Project Area: Infrastructure

Actual Ballot Text

(26) $1,247,151 for the replacement/design and construction of wastewater lines within the service area of and/or serviced by the Town of Ware Shoals;

Project Overview

This is called the Carnell Bridge sewer project. After several setbacks, the project was value engineered, and we currently have a shovel ready version to build. This project will repair, and replace an original sewer line that represents a primary collection line for the Town of Ware Shoals. This line is adjacent to the Saluda River and poses a real threat to Lake Greenwood should it fail.

Cost estimates for the first version of this project were not well developed and instead of a price of 3.1 million the current estimated cost for the project is 5.0 million dollars.

The Town has committed .5 million to the project, and the SRF grant agency has supplied 1.0 million. The town has spent over 300,000.00 dollars in engineering costs out of pocket on this project in addition to the .5 million they intend to supply.