Project Area: Parks and Recreation

Actual Ballot Text

(6) $254,871 for upgrades/improvements to the amphitheater owned by and located within the Town of Ware Shoals;

Project Overview

The Town of Ware Shoals is asking for funding to approve the purchase of a pre-cast concrete structure that will serve as a concession stand/and public restrooms for the Ware Shoals Amphitheater. The Amphitheater currently rents portable restrooms as needed which adds an additional cost per event. A canopy tent and fold out tables are currently used as a concession area for events. Being able to have a storage area and a covered concession stand makes the set up and tear down process a lot more manageable. Not only will this structure eliminate additional cost, provide an adequate storage area, but it also will be a lot more appeasing to our guest. We want our guest to enjoy their visit to The Ware Shoals Amphitheater and have a pleasant experience that will entice he/she to visit again. Thank you for your time and consideration of this project. We encourage you to join us for some of our exciting upcoming events.